瘋女人 | Kinmen Rising Project



October 24, 2010

I've read today on an Italian newspaper called "LA Repubblica" that a Taiwanese woman is going to marry herself. No, I'm not drunk, it's what is written here: http://www.repubblica.it/persone/2010/10/23/foto/sposa-8362248/1/?ref=H…

The woman, Chen Wei-Yih, said that "Life is going well, but still didn't find a partner", adding "We need to love ourself before loving others. And I'm ALREADY 30 yeas old! What else should I do?"
Oh my God!! What should then do those getting married at 40 years old? Should they marry their dog?
Among all the weird things I've heard lately, this is for sure the weirdest! In which kind of world are we living?? Why didn't she go to look for a partner in a pub, disco, or club? Too shy? Why not an agency? Why not a dating website? There are so many ways to find a partner even if you are shy, ugly, or whatever. I don't know whether this is just an excuse to avoid showing her inability in finding a partner or a way to show herself up.
Anyway THIS IS THE MOST STUPID THING WHICH I'VE EVER HEARD! Stop using that stupid Facebook, go out for a walk and let your brain have a breath of fresh air!
Guys (and galZ)... LEARN HOW TO LIVE! angry


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