徐生明 suddenly died yesterday | Kinmen Rising Project

徐生明 suddenly died yesterday


CPBL - Eda Rhinos's head coach 徐生明 died suddenly yesterday because of heart attack. He was just 55yo. A terrible loss for Taiwanese baseball and all the fans.

He went back home yesterday after the matches against Brother Elephants. He went jogging with the wife and then back home. While eating with the dauther he was suddenly hit by a myocardial infarction (心肌梗死) which didn't leave him any chance. He brang Sinon Bulls to a final, as well as this year's Eda Rhinos, which he leads to victory in the first half of the season. Many years ago, he has been the coach of Dragons too, and all the supporters have remembered him today in the baseball stadium.

徐生明 wearing fake hair of Manny RamirezOur thoughts now are going to his family and friends, to the team of Eda Rhinos and all the supportes like me, who are crying for his premature departure.
You have been a great coach, a great man of sport, but especially a great man.

徐生明, you have left this Earth, but you didn't leave our hearts! Your 85 will be forever!


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